Solidarity with Striking Boeing Machinists!

Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 pm
Mobilizing solidarity for the Boeing machinists strike!
WSLC offices 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle

This OWLS monthly gathering will focus on mobilizing for another solidarity day with the striking Boeing machinists. (see below). The meeting will include highlights:

  • Legal victory for a Seattle Ridershare Drivers Association member
  • Update on the Hotel workers strike
  • Roundup of labor solidarity with Palestine

Everyone is welcome.

Saturday, Oct. 26 at 10am-Noon*
Say BOO! to ghoulish Boeing bosses
Halloween Solidarity on the Boeing machinists strike line!

Meet up at IAM’s Seattle Strike HQ – 9125 15th Pl S

Take a stand! Calling all union super heroes, witches and goblins to show your support for striking machinists! Bring your families, costumes, noisemakers and signs of solidarity. There will be candy and treats – and garlic to ward off Boeing vampires who suck pensions and wages dry.
Please arrive at the Seattle IAM Local 751 parking lot before 10:00am at 9125 15th Pl S, and IAM shuttles will take us to the nearby corner of 14th Ave S. and E. Marginal Way to join picketing machinists.
Come rain or shine. The picket site is covered and will keep little hobgoblins dry!
(Parking is difficult on E. Marginal Way, so hop a shuttle or take Metro to that corner.) Shuttles will return you to IAM headquarters.

*If machinists vote to continue the strike, we want to show them that all of labor has their back!

For more information or to contact Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity (OWLS):


Mark your calendars as OWLS begins a summer organizing series starting on Tuesday, June 25. Arrive a little early to socialize. If you’re able, bring a snack to share, but more importantly, bring yourself!

 In Struggle,
Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity

Union Summer: A 3-part Series for Rank-and-File Organizers

Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 pm
Part 1: Fighting for a Fair Contract
WSLC offices 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle

The first session focuses on labor contracts. How can rank-and-file members impact negotiations, from the negotiating table to the strike line? What are effective tactics when a newly organized workforce is negotiating its first contract? Bring your questions and share your experiences!
Everyone is welcome!

Taran Burnite – Leader in recent union organizing campaign at Virginia Mason and on the negotiating team for their first contract.

Henry Noble – Long time labor activist, organizer of unions at Fred Hutch Cancer Center and University of Washington and also participated in five strikes at Boeing as a member of IAM 751.

Tacoma Art Museum Workers United members – First cultural workers union in Washington state to successfully organize workers across departments

Meeting location: 
Washington State Labor Council Offices
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98144

A Tech Workers’ Guide to Organizing in the Information Age

Tuesday, May 28 at 6:30 pm – OWLS Meeting
A Tech Workers’ Guide to Organizing in the Information Age
What does it mean to organize in the era of technical revolution? Feminist techie Lydia Duncan, and privacy engineer Tariq Yusuf, talk about how the internet and digital communication impacts tech workers and the broader labor movement — from honoring picket lines to organizing remote work. Being terminally online presents unique challenges and opportunities. Join the discussion!

Also featured: Labor battles from around the Sound, Palestinian Solidarity updates, and OWLS elections.
Everyone is welcome!

Meeting location: 
Washington State Labor Council Offices
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98144
(corner of 16th Ave S & Jackson St.)

The Billionaire’s Club vs. Organized Labor

Tuesday, April 23 at 6:30 pm
WSLC offices 321 16th Ave. S., Seattle

The Billionaire’s Club vs. Organized Labor
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and other wealthy one-percenters are teaming up to challenge the constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).  As Amazon, Tesla, Starbucks, and Trader Joe’s wrack up Unfair Labor Practice charges for anti-union antics, their CEOs hope the pro-business Supreme Court will roll back labor rights. What’s at stake? Steve Johnson, officer for CWA 7800 describes this latest corporate attack and how workers are responding. Join the discussion.

Also featured: Labor battles from around the Sound, Palestinian Solidarity updates, and OWLS elections. Everyone is welcome!

Meeting location: 
Washington State Labor Council Offices
321 16th Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98144
(corner of 16th Ave S & Jackson St.)

At our last meeting rideshare drivers gave an update on their organizing to get justice for drivers killed on  the job. Check out this coverage of their event in honor of a fallen driver by Crosscut:
Seattle rideshare drivers mourn, seek solutions after homicides

Notice of nominations for the OWLS Steering Committee

Once again, it’s time for elections to the OWLS Steering Committee. Nominations began at the Tuesday, March 26, 2024 OWLS membership meeting and will continue at the Tuesday, April 23, 2024 meeting. A letter and email listing those nominated will be sent to all members after the April 23, 2024 meeting. The election will conclude at the OWLS membership meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

A Tribute to Labor’s Mighty Women Hospitality Workers!

OWLS Meeting – Tuesday, March 26, 6:30pm

For Women’s Herstory Month, OWLS delves into the underreported news
on the recent strike waves of hospitality workers.
Maxine Reigel, former HERE
member and waitress, tells how this predominantly
female workforce won significant gains in Los Angeles,
Detroit and Las Vegas, by practicing ironclad solidarity
and militant shop-floor organizing.
Also featured: Rideshare Drivers’ legislation, OWLS
elections, Palestine Solidarity organizing, and more.
Everyone is welcome!

Meeting location: Washington State Labor Council Offices
321 16th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144 (Corner of 16th & Jackson)

Seattle educators: fighting for their students and teaching the truth!

OWLS Meeting – Tuesday, February 27, 6:30pm

Rank-and-file teachers are in the frontlines of fighting for fully-funded schools and defending anti-racist policies and free speech for students and staff. Members of SCORE (Seattle Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators) who are members of the Seattle Education Association will report on their efforts to elevate student voices and promote union democracy in order to bring these issues to the forefront.
Also featured:  Reports on the 2024 National Labor Notes Conference, OWLS elections, Palestine Solidarity organizing, and more. Everyone is welcome!

Meeting location:
Washington State Labor Council offices, 321 16th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144 (16th & Jackson)

Mark Your Calendar!

The following events are great opportunities to start the new year off with a kick:
Friday, January 12 at Noon 
–  A conversation about the Million Worker March
Seattle Labor Temple
5030 1st Ave, Seattle
The panel Q&A discussion with renown labor historian Peter Cole and founding participants of the Million Worker March that includes Gabriel Prawl.
Hosted by the Revels Cayton Institute for Industrial Unionism and co-sponsored by the Asa Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) and the West Coast African American Longshore Coalition (AALC)

OWLS MEETING: Tuesday, January 23 at 6:30pm
At the Washington State Labor Council offices
321 16th Avenue S.,Seattle

Solidarity with Gaza! Stop the Bombing!

At the last OWLS meeting on November 28, the featured topic was on “Defend free speech: Stop Harassment of Pro-Palestine Voices.” There was also a report on union resolutions and solidarity actions that workers are taking up on behalf of embattled Palestinians. In response, OWLS adopted the following [statement] position:
Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity stands with our working-class sisters and brothers in Gaza and calls for:
  • Stop the genocidal bombing and blockade of Gaza now.
  • End U.S. militarily aid to Israel; fund humanitarian aid to Palestinians.
  • No harassment of pro-Palestinian voices on the job, in schools, or by the FBI.

Defend free speech: Stop Harassment of Pro-Palestine Voices

OWLS Meeting: Tuesday, November 28 at 6:30 pm

All eyes are on Gaza’s growing humanitarian crisis as Israel bombs and blockades the occupied territory – with full backing from the White House and Congress. With over 11,000 Palestinians civilians killed, protests are rising across the U.S. But employers, schools and the FBI are cracking down on dissent, especially in Palestinian and Muslim communities.

  • Guest speakers: Executive Director Imraan Siddiqi and Senior Staff Attorney Alex Baron from the local chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a national Muslim civil rights and advocacy group. They will report on the spike in anti-Arab and Islamophobic incidents and offer advice on how community and union members can respond.
  •  OWLS will also discuss union resolutions and solidarity actions that workers are taking up on behalf of embattled Palestinians.

The OWLS meeting will also feature a round-up of current labor battles, including Seattle city workers who are organizing against low-ball wage offers by the city.

Meeting location: 
Washington State Labor Council Offices, 321 16th Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98144
(corner of 16th Ave S & Jackson St.)

Also: Save the date
Saturday, December 9 – OWLS Winter Holiday Party